Sigh. It's been a long time since my last post.
Anyway, I've just discovered TurboGears. Looks like a really nice Web development framework - they even have a movie, just like Rails :-) Actually, the site calls it a "megaframework", the idea being that it isn't just another framework, but it's actually a combination of existing frameworks.
The demo (build a Wiki in 20 minutes) is really neat. Things I especially like:
- It uses CherryPy, which is probably my current favourite web framework for Python.
- AJAX support built in (via MochiKit)
The easy_install setup looks seriously neat. However, I'm still nervous about how it will work alongside my existing Python installation, which has CherryPy and SQLObject already installed as traditional bdist_wininst installers. But I've muttered enough about that on the distutils-sig, and I don't want to be a pain about it. Let's just say that setuptools hasn't really addressed integration with platform package management yet. But I do think that setuptools is the way to go, and now that I have TurboGears as a basis, maybe I can offer some actual help at last (I'm a package user, not a package builder, so I'm stuck until packages start being published which use setuptools).
Definitely one for my "must investigate" list.
I've been looking into TurboGears myself. You should give one I've found a try. Called Django.
You can get it here:
Its still quite new but its been in use out of the public domain on major news servers for quite a while. Worth a look I think.
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